The Full-Range Marriage

The Full-Range Marriage

A “happy marriage” is a capitalistic concept. It sells expensive engagement rings and throws lavish weddings. But it sets up a bright-eyed couple for a disappointing and harsh fall that many never rebound. Rather, at best, marriage is secure and satisfying. The...
Long-Term Love

Long-Term Love

“How do we know when it is going to work?” she asked, the healing-hearted woman in a hurting couple. “You don’t,” I said truthfully and painfully, so wishing I had a different answer. A better answer. A reassuring answer. Because, it’s a daily decision to invest in a...

Stable Misery

“Oh, yeah. That.” It often comes down to that. There is a certain kind of couple that finally make it past the door of a therapist’s office. A partnership locked in stable misery. They have a well-grooved path of relating that is wretched but can go on and on and on....

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Did you grow a garden this summer? That is one skill set I have yet to cultivate but always wanted to. Maybe in my next life I can dig in the dirt, plant a seed with that first anticipated sprout and harvest enough flowers and vegetables to fill my table. Sounds...