A GPS for Relationships

With our modern technology, there really is no excuse to being lost. Just type or speak where you are and where you want to be, and boom … all systems are pointing to your final destination. It is as if we now live with a magic Genie in our pockets instead of an...

Let’s Make a Deal: Opting for Door B

  With the risk of showing my age, do you recall that game show way back when with Monty Hall called, “Let’s Make a Deal?” As a little girl, I loved that show. People would dress up in crazy costumes and carry these big old bags so that when Monty asked who had a...

Cookies for Dinner

As many of you know, I am indebted to Terry Real and his work in the creation of the Relational Life theory and practice (RLT). With the risk of being oh-so-clichés, it has changed my practice and my life. The precision and speed by which his model gets at the core of...