Article: Breaking Up the Party

No matter the modality – individual, group or couple – it is very common for someone to say, “I can’t take that in.  I don’t believe it to be true.”  The verbal expression of love being offered to him or her by me, his/her partner...

Personal Essay: Behaving Better

I have had the opportunity to participate in a writing group this month.  The following excerpt is from one of my entries: There are some days I am unable to behave better.  I know I should.  I should just dust off that Super Woman cape and make it happen.  But I...

Emotional Literacy

As a psychotherapist, I often see myself as a doctor of the human heart.  One of my missions as I sit in my office is to assist folks in becoming more alive to themselves, others and the world around them.  One significant component in this process is teaching...

Surrendering to the Good Enough

I hate Reality TV.  In fact, I am not a big TV watcher as it is.  Seems that life is too short to sit around watching other folks have a pretend life when I want to be having a real one.  But … one show that has captured my attention for a few hours has been...