by Ginger Sullivan | Sep 12, 2015 | Relational Intimacy
I can recall how it smelt. Even before entering the door, the scent engulfed my senses. I swear, it was a nasal orgasm. Not to mention the color, the selection and the opportunity for pleasure. The place was no bigger than a large closet. But when I was there, I...
by Ginger Sullivan | Sep 12, 2015 | Relational Intimacy
Last month, we defined exactly what a love addict is. In this segment, we get curious. How and why does one become a love addict? The causes of love addiction are fairly easy to identify. Throughout one’s development, there is usually some semblance of...
by Ginger Sullivan | Sep 6, 2015 | Uncategorized
Imagine being lost at sea … without a raft or even a piece of driftwood to hold onto. No land is in sight. Neither is the luxury liner that left you behind. It is just you, treading in the dark ocean waters that threaten to drown you. You are going nowhere...
by Ginger Sullivan | Sep 6, 2015 | Uncategorized
Sometimes, we need to practice. A dry run, so to speak. For, if we throw ourselves in before we are ready or even worse, with the wrong partner, we might leave the experience more harmed than nurtured. And then, we are less likely to want to dive in again or when we...
by Ginger Sullivan | Mar 29, 2015 | Relational Intimacy
I began teaching psychoeducation (sounds awful, doesn’t it?) in a psychiatric hospital on the north side of Chicago. Yes, it was many moons ago, when insurance companies cared enough about the human heart to finance treatment. Back then, we in the mental health field...
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