Is There Hope for Me, Doc?

Compared to individual and group patients, couples come into my office the most urgently. Typically, and sadly, most couples wait too long to get the needed help for their hanging-on-by-a-thread relationship. As if I am some relationship emergency room doctor, they...

Taking a Knee

My daughter started playing soccer as a little tike, long before there were actual positions. The young girls swarmed the ball like bees to a honeycomb. Plus, they were so pleasant to each other. They took seriously their manners taught. Aggression had yet to surface...

More Than Small Talk

Even as a little girl, long before a wider world I knew, something was not quite right with me. I recall large family gatherings, the ones where endless amounts of feeling-stuffing food was passed around freely, yet not a single word of meaningful conversation ever...

More Than Speed

I’m sure there is historical documentation as to when efficiency became our societal’s value. More is better. Faster is king. Get more in. On the double. Pronto. Perhaps, it is about money. The more I can produce in a shorter amount of time, the fatter my wallet. Why...

Article: But, It Just Didn’t Work!?

Huh?  Okay.  On one level, I get it.  You found out that he’s a narcissist, of the pathological type.  Or, she came out of the closet and prefers women to men.  Or, his addiction to alcohol, or sex, or gambling is unrelenting.  And most importantly, he or she...

More Than Love

I heard something recently that was just too good not to share with you: Love me enough to have more than loving feelings toward me. Love me enough to feel safe enough with me and in our relationship to not hold back.  Love me enough to tell me exactly what you are...