Time in an Hourglass

Time in an Hourglass

It was one long conversation. We just moved locations. From morning coffee to walks on the beach to lunch, back to the beach, to wine on the tower during sunset, to dinner of local seafood. I think we covered the gamut with little care in the world as to the time of...

Look for the Blue Marker

“I see one up ahead. Thank God, we’re not lost. We’re still on the right trail.” I often use my blue marker metaphor with couples and individuals. You know. Those painted blue lines on random trees that offer relieving reassurance that you are not lost in the middle...

Is There Hope for Me, Doc?

Compared to individual and group patients, couples come into my office the most urgently. Typically, and sadly, most couples wait too long to get the needed help for their hanging-on-by-a-thread relationship. As if I am some relationship emergency room doctor, they...

Loving the Life You Have

I swear it happens weekly. I open my mouth and some clerk or new patient or person on the street asks me where I am from. I feel like a transplant from a foreign land.  Even though I left decades ago and have successfully eradicated the “ya’lls” and...

The Complexity of Hope

Like the rest of you, I too love hope.  And if we think about it, life gives us so much of it … and in so many forms too.  We get to kiss a tired, worn day good-bye and rise to the dawn of an unchartered day … seven days a week, 365 a year.  We blow horns...