Grabbing the Moment

Grabbing the Moment

I knew it was a bit dangerous and hence, stupid. Setting an alarm on vacation. Heading to the mountain solo at daybreak. They do warn you in full font size – “You are entering a natural habitat for large wildlife – bears, elk and moose. Carry bear spray.” Of...
Yours to Keep

Yours to Keep

“But, can I lose my gains?” sayeth multiple patients over my years as a psychotherapist. No, you can’t. You can’t unlearn what you know. You can’t turn off the lights to a dark room once you’ve found the switch. Growth is permanent. Now, can you distract, deny,...
Warm Regard

Warm Regard

Are you busy trying to prove your worth to someone? Are you anxiously working to try to make someone love you? Are you calculating all the reasons why someone should see you as a good person? I hate to rain on your parade (not really), but you are putting your...