Your Inner Daycare

Your Inner Daycare

Whether we know it or not. Whether we want to admit it or not. We all are running an inner daycare. Our toddler and school-age children are running around inside. Mayhem. Each with his/her own agenda — “Feed me, feed me.” “Don’t leave me.” “Love me.” “Mine.” “I...


Me too. Me too. No, it’s not about you right now. It’s about the emotional experience of the person sitting across from you. The one you claim to love and care about. But, I can relate. Isn’t that empathy? Yes and no. When you emotionally connect with another person,...
Falling in Love

Falling in Love

One of the best definitions of psychotherapy I’ve ever heard is that we take the parts of someone that aren’t likable and we turn them into someone that’s more lovable. Bring me your shit and we shall turn water into wine. Sifting through the no...