Never Easy — But Worth It

Never Easy — But Worth It

As my journey as a psychotherapist took me more and more into the relationship world, I simultaneously became more of a geek. I have embraced my inner scientist. Show me the data. Collect it over time. Look for patterns, systems, trends that will give both...
Soft on the Inside

Soft on the Inside

You know those candies that surprise you? You bite in with full expectation of what you are going to get, and then, shock. What you saw on the outside is not what you got on the inside. That hard shell was hiding a soft, gooey interior. This candy is complex! You know...

Moving From Protection to Connection

Psychological theory speaks of two major categories of threat to the self: abandonment and annihilation. Abandonment refers to my inability to stand alone, individuated and solid within my own ego boundaries. Thus, because I am dependent on others to hold my esteem...